
Hot Wheels Tooligan

$5.00 Iva Incluido

The Tooligan was designed by Wayne Scott. It was his first vehicle design, as Wayne is primarily known as a graphic designer for Hot Wheels. The Tooligan serves multiple purposes. First, it’s of course a Hot Wheels car and it flies around the track, but it’s also a multi-purpose tool. The spoiler is a 3/8 socket and the chassis has a hole to fit a 1/4″ hex, so you can fit a flat end, Phillips or drill bit directly. The front windshield spoiler is made to resemble pliers. Their motors are giant Phillips screwdrivers. For the original 2010 releases, the front bumper/spoiler was decorated as a ruler with inch measurements. With twin turbine engines, a rear spoiler that works like a wrench, and an opening in the undercarriage that fits a 1/4-inch hex shank, this “utility vehicle” was made for playing on the streets! !

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Hot Wheels Tooligan serie experimotors color verede cardier Tool Works’ blanco en los costados chassis gris ventanas verde interior negro aros verdes

Producto Original Mattel


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