Hot Wheels Fast Gassin
$5.00 Iva Incluido
The Fast Gassin is an original Hot Wheels model designed by John Violette. It is based on a heavy tanker truck. It has eight huge exhausts that protrude above the cabin. In 2016 the foundry underwent a major casting change: it lost its double rear axle. The side panel is stiffened. The foundry was modified again in 2018, with the foundry using a bit more metal on the door panel and inner piece and chimneys are now part of the outer tank. Of note, there is a minor bug in the 2016 release card; the first color shows the foundry with three axes on the card (even though it only has two). This was corrected for the second version. With 8 vertical stacks, 6 wheels, and 3 axles, this hot-rodded fuel tanker truck was made for fast gas transportation!
Availability: 2 in stock