
Hot Wheels Aero Pod

$4.25 Iva Incluido

With huge tires and a large cargo area. this ultra-trailer was built for the racing team of the future. The streamlined bodywork lets you move fast, even in strong winds, and the quad-turbocharged V16 engine gives you plenty of torque, with more than enough power to haul whatever you want.

Availability: 2 in stock

Continue Shopping SKU: GRY61-M7C5 Category:

Hot Wheels aero pod serie dino riders color rojo Logotipo de Dino & HW, llamas naranjas y rojas de la división de seguimiento, mira telescópica y un dinosaurio ventanas azul interior azul aros negro con rojo

Importodousa producto Original

Hot Wheels aero pod series dino riders red Dino & HW logo, orange and red flames from the tracking division, telescopic sight and a dinosaur blue windows blue interior black with red rims

Imported USA Original Product

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